My desire to support teens comes from the isolation I felt as a teen and the desire to make sure that no one ever feels that way.
Allow me to share my heart and how my mission to support others has come about. My teen years were not pleasant. Depression, anxiety, learning disabilities, friendships, home life...it was all too much. I needed someone to talk to. Someone that had the wisdom of an adult but the warmth of a friend. Someone that could challenge me, speak truth, and help me find freedom from the hopelessness that lingered. As a senior in high school, I recieved Jesus as my persoanl saviour. In the years following, I grew in my understanding that He uses our pain for HIS purpose. Insert...my life calling (here).
I wanted to became a teacher to pour into the lives of teens. To speak encouragment into their difficulty and to be a constant reminder that they had someone that believed in them. However, after several years my class sizes became so large that my abilty to impact lives was not as effective. It was at this time that I pursued my Master's degree in school counseling as well as my P.P.S. credential. This allowed me to work with kids in the school setting that were struggling behaviorally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually (since I worked in a private school). To date, it has been one of my greatest priveliges to watch what God did in the lives of those students as they acknowleged what wasn't working and sought freedom to live thier best life. After serving in this capicty for 13 years, I switched over to the public sector. I continuted to enjoy pouring into students but desired to do more than "band-aid" life's difficulties. With suicide rates at an all time high and a God that desires to affirm one's value I knew it was time time that access to soical, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual support become more redily available to all who seek it. Insert Life Coaching (here). Changing lives and making sure no one goes at it alone...that's my calling. That's my passion.

Teens need to be heard, they need to be validated, they need coping skills, and they need Jesus.

I been working with students as an Educational Mental Health Specialist and a School Counselor for 15+ years.
Master's degree in School Counseling with a P.P.S. Credential.
I love shopping, bargins, and Starbucks.
Experience supporting human beings 1st grade-adulthood.
I've been married to my husband, a pastor, for 20+ years.
Teens? Yep I've got 3.
Yep, I'm a pastor’s wife.
I want to be a "difference maker".